CADD.AAS - Computer Aided Design Technology-Aas

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Program Description

Are you a creative thinker with a passion for developing ideas from concept to production? Do you enJoy creating something tangible out of an abstract idea? If the answer is yes, explore a career in Computer-Aided Design, CAD. CAD professionals use 2D and 3D CAD software to create designs. In addition, your career could include assisting local businesses to build everything from automotive and aerospace components to machine parts and assemblies. Upon completing this program students will be prepared to work as CAD Designers, CAD Detailers, CAD Technicians or CAD Drafters. If a student plans to transfer to a four-year college, they can transfer to an engineering technology degree. These students should consult with an MCC Counselor to be sure they are taking lasses to transfer.


AAS - Associate in Applied Science