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Room 1065

Formerly the Allen G. Umbreit Library, the Hendrik Meijer Library provides instructional materials and information services to support the curricula offered by the College and to meet the informational needs of students, faculty, staff and administration. The library extends these services to the community and serves as a catalyst in the lifelong learning goals of the citizens of Muskegon County and the greater West Michigan area.

Public Services Desk
Students' MCC ID cards are used as a library card. To activate it as a library card, you must present your MCC ID card to the library along with a valid Michigan driver’s license or identification card and fill out a library card application. You must present your card to check out materials.

Most materials may be renewed at the public services desk. You may renew these materials over the telephone by calling (231) 777-0270. If a book you want is already checked out, you may place a hold on it. Holds may be placed at the public services desk.

Instructor-reserved textbooks are also at the public services desk. These materials have varying check- out periods or may be limited to library use only. Also, you may reserve a study room at this desk.

 Reference Area
The reference librarians will assist you in learning how to locate and use materials in the library. They can help you select materials, evaluate sources, and properly document your sources. This area contains reference material in print form and also on electronic databases. Ask a reference librarian for assistance in using these tools. There is a librarian available all hours the library is open.

Library Catalog
All books, instructor reserved materials, print periodical subscriptions, video cassettes, DVDs and CDs are listed in the online catalog. The catalog, which is mobile friendly, provides location information which enables users to quickly determine where the material is located and if it is available. If you need assistance in finding materials, ask at the reference desk or the public services desk.

Classification System
A collection of approximately 65,000 volumes is shelved in the library using the Library of Congress classification system. Subject divisions can be used for general browsing. For more specific searching, check the online catalog first or see a reference librarian.

Research Databases
Use the research databases to locate articles, reports, and online books. Many articles may be printed directly from the computers. Most of these databases are also available off campus. Access the library databases via the MyMCC library page. The majority of our periodicals are available only in electronic format via our numerous databases.

Interlibrary Loan
Books and journal articles not available at the MCC library may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.

The Archive is a collection of historical material about Muskegon Community College. For access to this material, ask a reference librarian.

Study Rooms
These nine rooms can be reserved at the Public Services desk. They are available first-come-first-served, unless reserved ahead of time. MCC students have priority use, but all patrons are welcome to check one out.

Quiet Reading Room
The quiet reading room is intended for quiet study.

Computers for Student Use
For students who desire research assistance, there are computers near the reference desk.

Special Facilities

  • Wheelchair accessible stations are available for viewing the online catalog and for computer use.

  • Book drops are located in various places throughout the campus:

At the public services/circulation desks

In the hall outside the front door of the library

In a drive-up outside the library in the circle drive

  • A copy machine is available.

  • The Cybercafe with vending machines is on the first floor.

  • A microfilm/microfiche reader is located on the first floor near the reference desk.

For more information regarding library services, contact:

  • Library Information: (231) 777-0269

  • Reference Services: (231) 777-0326

  • Circulation/Public Services: (231) 777-0270