General Student Complaints
The General Student Complaint Form is available on MyMCC under the Care Report tile.
Student complaints regarding College operations not otherwise covered in the catalog’s Petitions section should report in writing the concerns to the Provost and Chief Student Services Officer or designee. Student complaints shall not be the basis for any discipline against a supervisor, staff member, or faculty member. There are separate academic and disciplinary appeal processes and procedures to resolve academic and disciplinary issues.
The following procedures shall apply for general student complaints:
The Provost and Chief Student Services Officer or designee will receive a student’s verbal or written complaint, consider the merit of the complaint, and will take any action considered appropriate or necessary. At this level, the student has the right to remain anonymous.
If the student’s verbal or written complaint is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction and the student wishes to continue to pursue the complaint, the student must submit a request in writing to the Provost and Chief Student Services Officer or designee requesting further resolution. The written request must include the specific nature of the complaint, reasons for filing the complaint, and specific remedy requested. At this level, the student may no longer remain anonymous. The Provost and Chief Student Services Officer or designee will seek a resolution by contacting the appropriate College employee who is responsible for the College operation complained about and arrange a meeting between the parties involved to discuss a possible resolution. The written complaint will be forwarded to all appropriate parties involved in the conflict prior to the meeting.
Should resolution not be reached, the Provost and Chief Student Services Officer or designee will review the complaint and all supporting material and render a written decision regarding the complaint with rationale.
In the event that the Provost and Chief Student Services Officer or designee is unable to resolve the complaint, the complaint will be forwarded to the Student Services Council for review and action. The student has the option to attend the meeting to provide verbal explanation. If the student plans to attend the meeting, they must indicate on the appeal form the request to the meeting. The student will be notified of the meeting location, date and time by the Registrar upon receipt of the completed appeal. Only the student submitting the appeal will be allowed to attend the review meeting. The student will be notified of the outcome by mail. The determination of the Student Services Council is final. No further appeal will be considered. In considering all other types of petitions/appeals, the Council reviews requests and refers students to the appropriate campus office for action. These referrals may be accompanied by the recommendation of the Council. Students may present questions regarding any regulation or policy of MCC.