Petitions Committee
The Petitions Committee, a standing committee of the Student Services Council, is composed of faculty members, staff, and students. The Committee exists to consider the appeals of students with respect to any MCC rule, regulation, or grade. All refund appeals must be received no later than one semester from the last date of the semester being appealed, or for grade appeals, one year from the date the grade was officially recorded. Special considerations will be given on a case-by-case basis outside of the application deadline. Forms are available on the MyMCC or at the Student Welcome Center. All appeals must be submitted at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting to be reviewed. The Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month to consider requests submitted. The Student Services Council has empowered the Petitions Committee to take direct action in the following: Final Grade/Attendance Appeals, Residency Change Appeals, Tuition Refund Appeals Due to Course Related Issues, Tuition Refund Appeals Due to Verifiable Error of MCC, Tuition Refund Appeal and Withdrawal Illness (WI), and Tuition Refund Appeal and Withdrawal Military (WM).