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Email Policy

General Statements
Electronic mail is provided to students, employees, and retirees for the official business and educational purposes of MCC. However, MCC recognizes that use of email will occasionally be personal. Accordingly, MCC authorizes the incidental, noncommercial, and personal use of email services, provided that such use does not interfere with the business or mission of MCC.

MCC is a public institution: legally, email is treated the same as any other form of written communication. Messages are subjected to the same legal restrictions and potential liabilities as those of paper documents. Email messages may be subpoenaed, and are subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). MCC reserves the right, during an investigation for inappropriate use or compromised accounts, to review the messages sent or received through individual email accounts. This action can be conducted without notice. This is intended to protect the integrity of MCC’s information systems and its users against unauthorized or improper use. Users of Muskegon Community College computers, email, accounts, mobile devices, network resources, internet access, and other information systems should have no expectation of privacy, as these systems are subject to monitoring and review.

Specific Guidelines

  1. All users of the MCC email system are expected to conduct themselves in a legal, professional, and ethical manner. Messages that may be viewed as harassing or intimidating are prohibited.

  2. MCC email shall be used in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, as well as, all other applicable MCC policies and procedures, including those pertaining to copyrighted material.

  3. Altering, dismantling, disfiguring, or other actions intended to hide or disguise the identity of the originator of an email message is prohibited. Any attempt to read, delete, copy, or modify the messages of others is prohibited.

  4. MCC email may not be used for commercial purposes, other than those that may be sanctioned by MCC.

  5. Users should make every effort to protect themselves and others by keeping their antivirus software up-to-date, and avoiding suspicious emails and attachments. It is also a good idea to only open outside messages that are from a familiar source.

  6. Employees should notify their manager and contact the faculty/staff helpdesk if they think email accounts are being abused. Students who suspect email abuse are encouraged to contact the student help desk at (866)718- 5170. Violations of this policy may lead to, or include, withdrawal of email privileges.