Academic/Classroom Conduct
Muskegon Community College is a community of scholars whose members include administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Mutual respect and civility are expected in the classroom or other college related academic settings, as well as, in any communication.
MCC has the duty of providing students with privileges, opportunities, and protections that best promote learning;
Students have the right to a non-threatening learning environment;
Students have the responsibility to refrain from infringing on the right of others to learn or the right of teachers to teach; and
Any student whose behavior disrupts learning may be subject to disciplinary action.
Academic Integrity Policy
Muskegon Community College expects that all faculty and students will adhere to high standards of personal and academic honesty. This means that all academic work will be done by the student to whom it is assigned without unauthorized aid of any kind. Faculty members, for their part, will exercise care in the planning and supervision of academic work so that honest effort will be positively encouraged.
Academic dishonesty consists of, but is not limited to:
Cheating. Cheating is defined as using or attempting to use, giving or attempting to give, and obtaining or attempting to obtain, materials or information, including computer material pertaining to a quiz, examination, or other work that a student is expected to do alone.
Plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as the use of another’s words or ideas without acknowledgement.
Penalties for violation of these standards of conduct may result in sanctions of up to and including suspension or expulsion from MCC.
Dispute Resolution Process
Should a student not agree with a faculty member’s decision or actions as they may relate to this policy, the following steps shall be followed:
A student suspected of academic dishonesty shall be notified in writing within two school days of the time the violation is discovered. Copies of the written notification shall also be filed with the department chair and the Provost and Chief Student Services Officer.
The student should try to reach resolution of the matter through direct discussion with the involved faculty member within three school days of the written notification.
If the matter is not resolved in Step B, the student shall bring the matter to the attention of the department chairperson of the involved faculty member
If the matter is not resolved at the department chairperson level, the student shall bring the matter to the attention of the Vice President for Academic Affairs who shall render a decision within five school days of the receipt of the dispute information.
If a satisfactory solution is not reached at the Step D level, the student may file a written request with the Provost and Chief Student Services Officer for a hearing before the disciplinary board. This meeting shall be held not more than 20 days following the written request. A student may request a hearing before the disciplinary board.