Final Grade/Attendance Appeals
Form available at the Student Welcome Center or on MyMCC
If a student chooses to appeal a grade, he/she must complete a Final Grade Appeal form and follow the steps outlined on the form to attempt to resolve the complaint (also listed below). The appeal MUST include a typed letter of explanation of what is being appealed, why it is being appealed and the requested outcome. Any documentation that is pertinent to the appeal should be included.
Steps of the Final Grade Appeal Process:
CONSULT WITH INSTRUCTOR to see if an understanding can be reached. If the instructor denies the request, ask the instructor to provide a written response by completing step one on the back of the Final Grade Appeal form. The instructor’s response should include a copy of the course syllabus along with an explanation of how the grade was determined.
CONSULT WITH DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSON if step one is denied by the instructor. Continue the appeal by consulting with the Department Chairperson in which the course was offered. The Department Chairperson should provide a written opinion of the appeal along with any additional pertinent information.
CONSULT WITH THE PROVOST AND CHIEF STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER or designee if step two is denied by the Department Chairperson to continue the appeal. The Provost and Chief Student Services Officer or designee will provide a written opinion of the appeal along with any additional pertinent information.
FINAL GRADE APPEAL REVIEWED BY PETITIONS COMMITTEE If not satisfied with the outcome of the previous decisions, submit the written appeal with Steps 1-3 completed, the typed letter of explanation of what is being appealed and why, along with any pertinent documents attached to the Student Welcome Center.
Once a completed Final Grade Appeal is received at the Student Welcome Center, the Petitions Committee will review the appeal at the next scheduled meeting. If the student plans to attend the meeting, he/she must indicate on the appeal form the request to attend the meeting. The student will be notified of the meeting location, date and time by the Registrar upon receipt of the completed appeal. Only the student submitting the appeal will be allowed to attend the review meeting. The student will be notified of the outcome by email to the students MCC email. The determination of the Petitions Committee is final. No further appeal will be considered.