Institutional Governance for Internal Communication
MCC has five permanent advisory councils, representative of the major service functions of the college: Instructional Affairs Council, Student Services Council, Business Administration Council, Information Technology Council, and the Joint Sustainability Council. A sixth council, the Coordinating Council, serves as the clearinghouse for all actions put forth by the advisory councils. The Coordinating Council expedites and implements recommendations made by the five councils.
These councils, in cooperation with the administration, Faculty Association, Student Government Association and non-teaching associations, provide orderly channels for seeking opinions, expressing ideas and developing recommendations. It is expected that these councils will be primarily policy-planning and recommending in their functions. However, it is conceivable that the councils may, on occasion, serve as sounding boards for determining the merit of a new idea or to discuss the feasibility of calling for a review of established polices, practices and/or procedures. Individuals who have proposals for consideration should forward them to the appropriate council through the Council Chairperson.
Council by-laws, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes may be reviewed through Campus Governance on MyMCC.
Procedural Guidelines for All Councils
Each Council will act to adopt its agenda as the first order of business.
Councils will take action by consensus rule or vote, as determined by individual councils.
Council meetings will be scheduled according to each council’s bylaw.
Representatives are expected to attend all meetings.
A quorum will consist of a simple majority of voting membership.
Term of membership will be one (1) academic year and is renewable. Vacancies will be filled through appointments by the respective group.
Chairperson is to be elected according to each council’s bylaw.
Chairperson’s Duties:
1. Presiding Officer
2. Appoint Chairperson and members of sub-committees
3. Ex-officio member of all sub-committees
4. Council representative to Coordinating CouncilMembers of Ad-hoc committees or subcommittees need not be members of any Council.
Each Council shall decide their own voting membership.