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Registration Information

Registration at Muskegon Community College takes place three times a year, starting in April for the fall semester, November for the winter semester, and March for the summer session. The fall and winter semesters are 15 weeks in length and the summer session is 12 weeks in length. The summer session generally begins in May and is offered with a variety of start and ending dates. Register as soon as you are eligible to help ensure your place in the classes you desire.

To ensure you are eligible to register, make sure you have:

  • Been admitted or readmitted to Muskegon Community College

  • Cleared all financial holds

  • Completed all placement tests or submitted appropriate ACT, SAT or MME scores.

  • Have completed all course prerequisites

  • Completed new student orientation

  1. Testing. Before registering for classes, send any previous placement exam scores to Muskegon Community College, such as ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, etc. These scores may beused by a Counselor to help place you into the courses that are most appropriate for your current level of knowledge. Please consult a counselor for more information.

  2. Counseling. Schedule an appointment to see a counselor early. The counselor can assist you in curricular planning and with other concerns you may have.

Priority Registration
Priority Registration is available exclusively to currently enrolled students. Using the MyMCC, current students have the first opportunity to select courses before registration is open to other individuals. Registration is based on a priority system that allows you to begin registration according to the number of total MCC credit hours completed. Priority begins with students who have earned the most MCC credit hours and ends with the students with the least MCC credit hours. A few weeks before priority registration begins, students will be emailed with their priority registration start times. You may register starting at your assigned time or after, but not before.

Online Registration

To register for classes online:
Step-by-Step instructions for registering for classes online in Self-Service/Student Planning are available online at registration. For additional assistance with online registration, email or call (231) 777-0211.

Adding Courses
Prior to the beginning of the semester, you may add courses from the start of the registration period up to the day the class begins. A student must have written permission of the instructor to add a class once it has met. Regarding online classes, a student must have written permission of instructor to add a class on or after its published start date. Refer to Student Planning in the MyMCC for class information.

Dropping Courses
(Other than complete withdrawal from the College)
The preferred method of dropping courses is through Student Planning in the MyMCC. You may also drop courses by submitting an Add/Drop form in-person, to the Student Welcome Center prior to the withdraw deadline. If changing courses/ sections after the drop period, students may only transfer from one section of a course to another section of the same course. Students attempting to drop and add courses of different names outside of the 100% refund period will be billed for tuition accordingly.

You are strongly encouraged to consult with your instructor and a counselor prior to processing a withdrawal. If you have financial aid or scholarships, it is especially important for you to contact the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing. You may drop/withdraw through Student Planning in MyMCC or by submitting an Add/Drop form to the Student Welcome Center.

  • No grade will be recorded on your transcript if the course is dropped during the drop/ refund period.

  • You may withdraw from a course after the drop/refund period up to the week prior to examinations. For early-ending courses, you may withdraw from a course after the refund period until one day prior to the end date of the course (prior to the final examination). Withdrawal from a course will generate a grade of “W” on your academic record and tuition/fees are not refunded.

Prerequisites & Co-Requisites
Prerequisites and co-requisites are listed in course descriptions and are subject to change with each new catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to meet the prerequisites and / or co-requisites in effect for the term in which a course is taken, regardless of the catalog under which the student entered or will graduate. Students may be stopped from enrolling or may be dropped if prerequisites or co-requisites are not met.

Prerequisite: A prerequisite is a requirement that must be successfully completed before a student may enroll in a course. Prerequisites are based on the essential skills or competencies to be successful in the next level course.

Co-requisite: A co-requisite is a course that is either recommended or required to be taken in combination with another course.

Wait Lists
Once a course has reached the maximum enrollment, students are given the option to be placed on a wait list. This option must be chosen at the time of registration. The wait listed course cannot conflict with other courses in the student’s registration schedule and cannot be place on multiple sections of the same course. Being on a wait list does not mean the student is registered in the course. Once space becomes available in a class, wait listed students will be offered a position in the class based on the student’s position on the wait list.

If you wish to attend a class, but do not desire credit or a grade, you may elect to audit a class. If you audit a class, you are required to pay the same tuition and fees as those taking courses for credit.

MCC permits students to register for college credit courses on a non-credit (audit) basis. Those who wish to do so should consult with a member of the counseling staff regarding College policies and procedures for audit status enrollment.